Upgrading and Testing Unified Model Computer Code

Carlos F. Torres, Ph.D., Research Associate

The Two-Phase Unified Model Computer Code has incorporated improvements on its prediction capabilities, performance, code maintainability, etc. Also, the TUFFP two-phase unified mechanistic modeling includes new sub-models and closure relations for different parameters. The new stage in this project is to upgrade the TUFFP Three-Phase Unified Mechanistic Code. The bases for the code update are similar to the ones implemented in the Two-Phase Unified Model Computer Code. The final goal of this project is to generate a universal TUFFP Unified Model Computer Code capable of handling two-phase (gas-liquid or liquid-liquid) or three-phase (gas-liquid-liquid) flows.

The road-map for the project is as follows:

The TUFFP Database comprises TUFFP and open literature experimental data. This database is used to validate the TUFFP Unified Model, as well as to select the appropriated closure relationships. Also, improvement or development of new closure relationships is envisioned. The initial TUFFP Unified Model philosophy is for gas-liquid flow and can be considered mature. The biggest efforts are related with closure relationships and numerical stabilization of the code. Currently, there is an effort to develop an Oil-Water Unified Model. This development in combination with the gas-liquid flow model will contribute to the implementation of the final three phase flow model.

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